Sunday, August 17, 2008

Some Saturdays

Last night was one of those nights I really enjoy and cherish. It was the kind of night when you just sit around and everything falls into place.

There were some minor hiccoughs in the early afternoon, but things eventually blew over and I was able to relax and let some scratches heal over.

Justin, Matt, Ben and I had a lovely time teasing Sam, playing games and moshing.

Some of the horrible cruelties we subjected Samuel to while he was sleeping include: spraying Lynx onto an open flame beside his face, flicking rubber bands at his face, singing Aboriginal chants at the top of our lungs, shooting cap guns at him, throwing ourselves onto him, putting shaving cream on him (or attempting to) and moshing - resulting in everything falling off of Ben's bookcase after a particularly brutal fall by Justin.

Justin: Sometimes you're so lame, it's unbelievable.
Matt: Sometimes you're so not lame, it is believable!

Alyssa: Fuck you, Ben.
Ben: Not tonight, thanks.
Guy on GTA4: Fuck meeeee!
[All start laughing hysterically]

Matt: Outta the way, Kombi van!

[Matt quotes himself]
Alyssa: I don't think you should be bragging about making some of the worst calls ever!

[Ben, Justin, Matt and Alyssa sing Indigenous Australian chants]
Sam: What the fuck are you doing?
Justin: It's your native chant!
[Sam leave the room]
Justin: Milika! Hey, Milika!

Justin, Ben and Alyssa [singing]: I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now.
Alyssa: I think we all know that, deep down inside, Justin was singing that to someone else in the car that day. That's right, Justin. It's okay. I know how you feel about me. I see the way you look at me...
Justin: What the fuck?! Shut the fuck up!

Good times, great classic hits.
P.S. Justin said something very true last night. He said, "One day you'll look back on this night, smile and remember these as the good old days. But, as they say, youth is wasted on the young."


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