Today my Year 12 Studio Arts class and I travelled into the city to view two of the most prominent exhibitions currently available to the public, the first being Ricky Swallow's The Bricoleur.
Swallow's work was utterly awe-inspiring and at times hard to believe - we often were left standing, wondering how on earth a person could make hardwood seem so soft, delicate and real. Killing Time was fantastically detailed, although my personal favourites were Salad Days and Flying On The Ground Is Wrong.
Holzer's gallery was entirely different - in a sense you were forced to become part of the work, but at the same time confronted by the fact that even you, as a part of the art, do not fully understand what it means.
The main part of her exhibition was made up of a room covered in scrolling projected poems, too huge to read comprehensively but obviously there, and heat-sensitive bean bags that you unwittingly left handprints and silhouettes all over for a full ten minutes before realising just how much of a mark you had left on the work, literally.
I am looking forward to seeing Ron Mueck's exhibition at the art centre in a month or so; it should be just as fascinating albeit slightly creepier haha.
I am looking forward to seeing Ron Mueck's exhibition at the art centre in a month or so; it should be just as fascinating albeit slightly creepier haha.